Saturday, December 9, 2006

What did I learn in American Literature 202?

I learned so many things about different authors and how the time that they were living in effected the way they wrote. I learned about what it mean to be an African American waiting on freedom. I learned about what it meant to be a woman during slavery, the 1900's and even later. I learned the hopes and dreams of so many Americans and immigrants new to America's land. I learned about how so many people see American as the land of opportunity and plenty. I also learned the vast disappointments that some of them felt when they got here. I also learned about the struggles of the brave people who fought in the Vietnam war during war and when they got home and had to go back to living their daily lives. This course not only taught me about Literature, but it also gave me a lesson in history. Also, at times it made be very thankful and grateful for what I have and the blessings that I have received.

Mamie Sellers